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EFF needs your help to defend privacy and free speech online. Learn why you’re crucial to the fight in this edition of campfire tales from our friends, The Encryptids. These cunning critters have come out of hiding to help us celebrate EFF’s summer membership drive for internet freedom.
Through EFF’s 34th birthday on July 10, you can be a member for just $20 and receive 2 rare gifts (including a Bigfoot enamel pin!), and as a bonus new recurring monthly or annual donations get a free match! Join us today.
Today’s post comes from international vocal icon Banshee. She may not be a beast like many cryptids, but she is a BEAST when it comes to free speech and local activism…
-Aaron Jue
EFF Membership Team
hat’s that saying about being well behaved and making history? Most people picture me shrieking across the Irish countryside. It’s a living, but my voice has real power: it can help me speak truth to power, and it can lend support to the people in my communities.
Free expression is a human right, full stop. And it’s tough to get it right on the internet. Just look at messy content moderation from social media giants. Or the way politicians, celebrities, and companies abuse copyright and trademark law to knock their critics offline. And don’t get me started on repressive go
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