2021 Playbook: Enforcing Zero Trust for All Identities

Read the original article: 2021 Playbook: Enforcing Zero Trust for All Identities

As we reflect on 2020, we can all agree that COVID-19 heavily impacted office workers and our organizations’ security, accelerating digital transformation projects and cloud adoption. Looking ahead, it’s evident that the pandemic, coupled with our current economic climate, will continue to tax the identity and access management (IAM) practices of organizations worldwide. This will challenge us all to minimize access-related risks across traditional data centers, cloud, and multi-cloud IT infrastructures.

With IT administrators, security teams, and regular enterprise users dispersed and relying heavily on remote access to corporate systems, DevOps environments, and applications, threat actors enjoy an expanded threat surface with many more vectors of attack at their disposal. There’s more opportunity to exploit human imperfections with phishing and other social engineering campaigns, compromising credentials to access our IT infrastructure and data.

Read the original article: 2021 Playbook: Enforcing Zero Trust for All Identities