Threats to cyberspace are constantly changing. As a result, businesses rely on cutting-edge tools to respond to risks and, even better, prevent them from happening in the first place. The top five cybersecurity trends from last year were previously listed by Gartner. The need for artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to help people remain ahead of the curve is becoming more and more obvious with each passing development.
Even more compelling for this year are these estimates for 2022. To manage cloud environments, remote labour, and ongoing disruptions, businesses will require a versatile, adaptable toolkit powered by AI and ML.
Trend 1: Increased attack surface
Companies are at a turning point as a result of the increase in permanent remote job opportunities. Remote employment has been beneficial for employees and a relief for businesses who weren’t sure if their operations would continue after the shift. The drawback is that because these employees need access to company resources wherever they are, businesses have had
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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