8 Key Components of a CIAM Platform

8 Key Components of a CIAM Platform
Tue, 05/23/2023 – 04:15

Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) is essentially developed to improve the customer experience (CX), ensure the highest level of security, protect customer data, and support the management of external, non-employee identities. Organizations across all industries, from banks and retailers to governments and healthcare providers can leverage CIAM to earn customers’ trust and meet their growing desire for convenient, safe digital interactions.

And it’s exactly this; the holistic combination of capabilities, that are driving more businesses to integrate CIAM into their front-facing apps, websites, and portals.

Yet while CIAM streamlines user experience and security it can be tricky to pinpoint exactly what CIAM does – or rather – what it should do. In this article, we list eight key components of a good CIAM solution.

Experience (and security) is everything

The evolution of CIAM technology came about in response to a demand for more security, control, and visibility of consumer identity-related data and information. But it also assists companies on their quest to execute seamless experiences.

Customers are currently more demanding than ever. They anticipate that organizations will fulfill their requests without hassle, and they are more likely to abandon their shopping carts and go on to a competitor if they cannot rely on the website’s security and accessibility.

It’s important to understand this properly, as PwC’s “Experience is Everything” report shows. A whopping 73% of respondents cited a positive experience as a reason for sticking with a brand, and 52% indicated they would increase their spending if the service were delivered quickly and efficiently. According to Forbes, after three or four negative interactions with a company, 92% of customers will quit doing business with them.

An interesting aspect of this is that it extends beyond the notion of a unified omnichan

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