NFT Wallets Unleashed: A Data Structures and Application Design Journey

Whether or not you’re caught up in the NFT hype, as a software engineer, staying abreast of recent innovations is crucial. It’s always fascinating to delve into the technologies underpinning such trendy features. Typically, I prefer to let the dust settle before jumping in, but now seems like a good time to explore “what NFTs are all about.”


NFT stands for Non-fungible tokens. Non-fungible tokens are tokens based on a blockchain that represents ownership of a digital asset. Digital assets may be anything, from a hand-crafted image, a song, music, a blog post, an entire digital book, or even a single tweet (which is, basically, a publicly available record from a database of the well-known public company). These assets have public value and can be owned by someone.

This article has been indexed from DZone Security Zone

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