Rethinking the Cloud: Why Companies Are Returning to Private Solutions

In the past ten years, public cloud computing has dramatically changed the IT industry, promising businesses limitless scalability and flexibility. By reducing the need for internal infrastructure and specialised personnel, many companies have eagerly embraced public cloud services. However, as their cloud strategies evolve, some organisations are finding that the expected financial benefits and operational flexibility are not always achieved. This has led to a new trend: cloud repatriation, where businesses move some of their workloads back from public cloud services to private cloud environments.

Choosing to repatriate workloads requires careful consideration and strategic thinking. Organisations must thoroughly understand their specific needs and the nature of their workloads. Key factors include how data is accessed, what needs to be protected, and cost implications. A successful repatriation strategy is nuanced, ensuring that critical workloads are placed in the most suitable environments.

One major factor driving cloud repatriation is the rise of edge computing. Research from Virtana indicates that most organisations now use hybrid cloud strategies, with over 80% operating in multiple clouds and around 75% utilising private clouds. This trend is especially noticeable in industries like retail, industrial sectors, transit, and healthcare, where control over computing resources is crucial. The growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has played a defining role, as these devices collect vast amounts of data at the network edge.

Initially, sending IoT data to t

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