A Guide to Security Controls for Risk-Based API Protection

In the interconnected world of today, APIs (Application Programming Interface) are the invisible bridges that let applications talk to one another. But to those that with great power, there must also come great responsibility! They need to be able to secure these APIs in order to protect the privacy of their own data or user information from would-be attackers. In this post, we are going to navigate risk-based API security controls which are essential in helping you construct more solid and tamper-proof APIs.

1. Threat Modeling for Shift-Left Secure Design Practices

Just think of construction projects. It would perform well to find these structural flaws in the blueprint stage rather than after you build it, wouldn’t that be even upstanding? Threat modeling is based on the same way of thinking The shift-left mentality, in action, is identifying and remediating security flaws at the earliest possible point — prior to deploying APIs.

This article has been indexed from DZone Security Zone

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