A Majority of Security Experts Prioritize Prevention Over Detection

As per a recent report finding, a majority of organizations prefer prevention over detection when it comes to safeguarding their systems. However, a large number of businesses are consequently witnessing data breaches and other cyberattacks, with the severity of these incidents worsening day by day. 

In a survey of 500 IT security experts, Exabeam researchers discovered that nearly two-thirds of their respondents (65%) prioritize prevention over detection as their number one endpoint security objective. For the remaining third (33%), detection remained their utmost priority. 

Late to the Party 

To make the situation worse, the businesses actually act on this idea. The majority (59%) allocate the same amount to detection, investigation, and response, while nearly three-quarters (71%) spend between 21% and 50% of their IT security resources on prevention. 

According to Steve Moore, chief security strategist at Exabeam, the issue with this strategy is that the businesses concentrate on prevention while threat actors are already there, rendering their efforts useless. 

“As is well known, the real question is not whether attackers are on the network, but how many there are, how long they have had access and how far they have gone[…]Teams need to raise awareness of this question and treat it as an unwritten expectation to realign their investments and where they need to perform, paying due attention to adversary alignment and re

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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