FBI confirmed that the potential losses from cybercrime activities have increased to 48% last year, from a loss of $6.9 billion to $10.2 billion in 2021.
“Today’s cyber threats hit a wider array of victims and carry the potential for greater damage than ever before,” says Paul Abbate, FBI Deputy Director in a statement on Wednesday./
“The threats are evolving rapidly, and the stakes have never been higher[…]wreaking havoc on business operations,” he says.
According to the AEI researchers, who used “the most comprehensive dataset of publicly reported cyber events” for the time period under study, ransomware, malware, and distributed denial of service attacks do majorly harm company valuations by impeding IT systems, cutting off access to data, websites, and company services.
The researchers noted that several cyber-strikes may as well go unreported due to the high publicity cost.
“Our results show that firms suffer statistically and economically significant negative abnormal returns in response to the announcements of adverse cyber events,” they said.
Investors of the companies have turned to reacting faster than the cyberattack news, s
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