AI Accelerates Healthcare’s Digital Transformation


Throughout the healthcare industry, CIOs are implementing technologies that allow precision diagnostics, reduce clinician workload, and automate back-office functions, from ambient documentation to machine learning-based scheduling. A lot of data is available in Penn Medicine BioBank, an institution run by the University of Pennsylvania Health System. A team led by Michael Restuccia’s SVP and Chief Information Officer saw the opportunity to use this data for the benefit of patients at the research hospital. 
As a physician, professor, and vice chair of radiology at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Charles Kahn says that understanding the characteristics of a population and how a particular individual differs from the rest allows the person to intervene earlier in the condition in question. This is a group of innovative healthcare companies that are pushing the envelope in the digitization of healthcare that has earned the CIO100 award over the past few years. Penn is just one example. The Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, the University of Miami Health System, as well as Atlantic Health have all begun working on precision medicine, machine learning, ambient documentation and other projects. 
From a clinical point of view, Bill Fera, MD, the principal who leads Deloitte Consulting’s AI practice, says that we’re witnessing a growing number of advances in radiology, diagnostic services, and pathology. It is very noteworthy that the AI-powered

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