AI Development Needs Global Oversight, UN Experts State


In a time of increasing popularity for artificial intelligence (AI), the United Nations has warned that market forces should not be the sole determining factor as the technology becomes more widely used. United Nations experts called for creating tools for global cooperation as the technology becomes increasingly popular and raises concerns about its misuse. 
A high-level United Nations body that advises the government said Thursday that developing a global framework for artificial intelligence is an “imperative”. In a statement released by The World Bank last week, the bank called on the United Nations to establish the first comprehensive global organizations to regulate the fast-growing technology market. 
An analysis published by the group in a 100-page report on AI concluded that the technology “is changing our world,” holding an abundance of incredible potential for good, such as opening new fields of science and accelerating economic growth as well as improving public health and agriculture, as well as optimizing energy systems. 
A report by the World Economic Forum stated that if AI is left unregulated, it would provide benefits only to a small number of countries, companies, and individuals, while it warned that even more powerful systems than those in existence today “could upend the world of work,” develop autonomous weapons, and threaten peace and stability worldwide. 

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