American Water Works faces Cyberattack

American Water Works, the country’s largest provider of water services to 14 states, recently reported that it was cyber attacked on its information technology system. The current report has indicated that operational technology systems that control delivery of water within the company are not affected. As reported by Bloomberg, the company disclosed to shareholders in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission which forced the company to temporarily suspend billing and limit customer support.

On its website, the American Water Works explained its statement in announcing that certain systems were turned off in an attempt to prevent more damages on its customers’ information. Its MyWater online service has been temporarily halted, thus stopping billing processes until the systems can be brought back online. The company assured that water quality is not affected and safe for drinking. Whether the customers’ information was accessed remains a determination to be made.

Response to the Incident

The company cannot yet fully assess the impact of the incident but confirms that its water and wastewater operations are unaffected. American Water Works first detected unauthorised activity in its networks on October 3. Upon discovery, the company activated its cybersecurity response protocols and sought the assistance of third-party cybersecurity specialists to help contain and investigate the incident. Law enforcem

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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