Android TV Users Watch Out: Dangerous Vo1d Botnet Hits 1.6 Million Devices

Android TV Users Watch Out: Dangerous Vo1d Botnet Hits 1.6 Million Devices

Hackers are upping their game, getting better through attacks and strategies. The latest incident of this rise is the disturbing spread of the Vo1d malware botnet. Vo1d is a highly sophisticated malware and infected around 1,590,299 Android TV devices throughout 226 countries, changing them into “anonymous proxy servers” for malicious activities. 

Why is Vo1d malware so dangerous?

Vo1d is considered dangerous because of its persistence and potential to expand despite earlier discoveries by cybersecurity experts.
Research by Xlab suggests Void had 800,000 active bots, “Peaking at 1,590,299 on January 14, 2025.” Experts believe the botnet is being rented to hacking groups for various illegal activities, from escaping regional internet restrictions to ad frauds. 
Vo1d’s campaign trend suggests that the devices are leased out and then returned, causing a sharp rise and fall in the number of active bots in particular regions. The highest impact has been noticed in South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, China, and Thailand.

About Vo1d Malware 

Vo1d is not your average Joe, it is one of the most advanced and biggest malware in recen

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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