Written by: Nick Harbour
The Flare-On contest always features a diverse array of architectures, but with a strong representation of Windows binaries. This year’s contest may be the most diverse ever, with 10 challenges covering architectures including Windows, Linux, JavaScript, .NET, YARA, UEFI, Verilog, and Web3. Yes, you read that correctly, there is a YARA challenge this year. The challenges are often designed to represent Reverse Engineering challenges the FLARE team has encountered on the frontlines of cybersecurity.
If you successfully crush all 10 challenges you will be eligible to receive a prize, which will be revealed later. This crucial bit of gear will distinguish you from your colleagues who have not mastered the arcane art of Reverse Engineering, and will thus be an object of their envy. Your name or handle, should you choose to be included, will be permanently etched into the Hall of Fame on the Flare-On website.
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