Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q3 2024

Amazingly, Medium has fixed the stats so my blog/podcast quarterly is back to life. As before, this covers both Anton on Security and my posts from Google Cloud blog, and our Cloud Security Podcast (subscribe).

Dall-E via Copilot, prompt “security blog quarterly, steampunk”

Top 7 posts with the most lifetime views (excluding paper announcement blogs):

  1. Security Correlation Then and Now: A Sad Truth About SIEM
  2. Can We Have “Detection as Code”?
  3. Revisiting the Visibility Triad for 2020 (update for 2024 is coming soon BTW!)
  4. Beware: Clown-grade SOCs Still Abound
  5. Detection Engineering is Painful — and It Shouldn’t Be (Part 1)
  6. Why is Threat Detection Hard?
  7. A SOC Tried To Detect Threats in the Cloud … You Won’t Believe What Happened Next

(the above is the same as last quarter)

Top 4 posts with paper announcements:

Read the original article:

Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q3 2024