Apple Hires Top Netflix Engineer as Part of Effort to Build Technical Support Team for Apple TV+

Apple recently snatched a top engineer from Netflix as Apple works to build out a technical team to support Apple TV+ and the company’s other services, reports The Wall Street Journal.

The new hire, Ruslan Meshenberg, helped build Netflix’s platform and participated in key initiatives to create a faster and more consistent service for viewers. He ran the infrastructure guaranteeing Netflix shows and movies played reliably.

Meshenberg has joined Apple’s internet-services organization just this week, with his LinkedIn profile listing him as an Engineering Leader.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Meshenberg is joining Apple at a time when Apple is shifting its approach to cloud services, relying more often on third-party providers to save money.

Michael Abbott, a former Twitter engineer, has been responsible for Apple’s internet-services operations and he has been adding engineers to Apple’s technical team. Apple has not run into any particular major issues with ‌Apple TV‌+ or its other new services, but hires like Meshenberg will ensure that things continue to run smoothly as Apple scales up with new customers and new content offerings.

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