APT45: North Korea’s Digital Military Machine

Written by: Taylor Long, Jeff Johnson, Alice Revelli, Fred Plan, Michael Barnhart


Executive Summary

  • APT45 is a long-running, moderately sophisticated North Korean cyber operator that has carried out espionage campaigns as early as 2009.
  • APT45 has gradually expanded into financially-motivated operations, and the group’s suspected development and deployment of ransomware sets it apart from other North Korean operators. 
  • APT45 and activity clusters suspected of being linked to the group are strongly associated with a distinct genealogy of malware families separate from peer North Korean operators like TEMP.Hermit and APT43. 
  • Among the groups assessed to operate from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), APT45 has been the most frequently observed targeting critical infrastructure.


Mandiant assesses with high confidence that APT45 is a moderately sophisticated cyber operator that supports the interests of the DPRK. Since at least 2009, APT45 has carried out a range of cyber operations aligned with the shifting geopolitical interests of the North Korean state. Although the group’s earliest observed activities consisted of espionage campaigns against government agencies and defense industries, APT45 has expanded its remit to financially-motivated operations, including targeting of the financial vertical; we also assess with moderate confidence that APT45 has engaged in the development of ransomware. Additionally, while multiple DPRK-nexus groups focused on healthcare and pharmaceuticals during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, APT45 has continued to target this vertical longer than other groups, suggesting an ongoing mandate to collect related information. Separately, the group has conducted operations against nuclear-related entities, underscoring its role in supporting DPRK priorities.


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