There are scammers and hackers who prey on the personal data of other people in order to gain access to their credit cards. As a result, one can obtain very sensitive information such as the name and account number of the targeted customer, as well as their social security number in order to conduct illegal transactions on their behalf.
Data breaches can never be completely prevented, but victims can take steps to minimise the impact of such breaches by taking action while the breach is taking place.
Similarly, the way one manages his/her credit also has a significant effect on his/her overall financial well-being, just as how they manage their income and expenses.
Keeping an eye on their credit report from Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian over the course of a year is a very wise decision that can help them avoid many financial problems.
Fraud and errors in credit reporting still occur every day, despite the importance of having valid credit information.
In fact, there seems to be quite a bit of commonality with these issues. Based on a study conducted by the Federal Trade Commission, about 25% of consumers found errors in their credit report, which could have a negative impact on their credit scores if left uncorrected.
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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