AT&T Data Breach: Essential Steps for Victims to Protect Themselves


Telecom giant AT&T recently disclosed a massive data breach affecting nearly all of its approximately 110 million customers. If you were a customer between May 2022 and January 2023, there is a high chance your data, including call and text message records, was accessed through an illegal download from a third-party cloud platform. Customers should watch for contact from AT&T or check their accounts for notifications.

First, change your password. 

Since your password is likely compromised, update it on both your AT&T account and any other accounts where it was used. While it’s inconvenient, using different passwords for each service is essential. Numerous tools can create secure, randomly generated passwords, and password managers can help you remember them. Also, activate two-factor authentication on your account and any other accounts using the same password. Combining two login methods enhances security. Given the nature of this leak, consider changing your cell phone number as well.

Prepare for an increase in spam calls, but the bigger concern is potential scammers.

Be extra cautious about giving out personal details such as banking information or your address over the phone, as these could be cleverly disguised phishing schemes. Stay vigilant online, as even anonymous phone number information can be pieced together by scammers to identify individuals. Treat every email from unfamiliar addresses as suspicious. Additionally, inform your bank about the breach. They can monitor for any suspicious transact

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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