Banking Malware “Brokewell” Hacks Android Devices, Steals User Data

Banking Malware "Brokewell" Hacks Android Devices

Security experts have uncovered a new Android banking trojan called Brokewell, which can record every event on the device, from touches and information shown to text input and programs launched.

The malware is distributed via a fake Google Chrome update that appears while using the web browser. Brokewell is in ongoing development and offers a combination of broad device takeover and remote control capabilities.

Brokewell information

ThreatFabric researchers discovered Brokewell while examining a bogus Chrome update page that released a payload, which is a common approach for deceiving unwary users into installing malware.

Looking back at previous campaigns, the researchers discovered that Brokewell had previously been used to target “buy now, pay later” financial institutions (such as Klarna) while masquerading as an Austrian digital authentication tool named ID Austria.

Brokewell’s key capabilities include data theft and remote control for attackers.

Data theft 

  • Involves mimicking login windows of targeted programs to steal passwords (over

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    This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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