Behind the Breach: Understanding the Change Healthcare Cyberattack

Behind the Breach: Understanding the Change Healthcare Cyberattack

Change Healthcare, a company that handles medical billing, claims processing, and other critical healthcare functions, fell victim to a sophisticated cyberattack. The attackers gained unauthorized access to the company’s systems, compromising a vast amount of sensitive data.

The Breach

UnitedHealth has disclosed for the first time what types of medical and patient data were stolen in the huge Change Healthcare ransomware assault, claiming that data breach notifications will be sent out in July.

On Thursday, UnitedHealth issued a data breach notification, saying that the ransomware attack exposed a “substantial quantity of data” to a “substantial proportion of people in the US.”

While UnitedHealth has not disclosed how many people were affected, CEO Andrew Witty indicated during a congressional hearing that “maybe a third” of all Americans’ health data was compromised in the hack.

But what exactly was stolen?

Personal Details: The stolen information includes personal identifiers such as na

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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