Beware, iPhone Users: iOS GoldDigger Trojan can Steal Face ID and Banking Details


Numerous people pick iPhones over Android phones because they believe iPhones are more secure. However, this may no longer be the case due to the emergence of a new banking trojan designed explicitly to target iPhone users.

According to a detailed report by the cybersecurity firm Group-IB, the Android trojan GoldDigger has now been successfully repurposed to target iPhone and iPad users. The company claims that this is the first malware designed for iOS, posing a huge threat by collecting facial recognition data, ID documents, and even SMS. 

The malware, discovered for the first time last October, now has a new version dubbed GoldPickaxe that is optimised for iOS and Android devices. When installed on an iPhone or Android phone, GoldPickaxe can collect facial recognition data, ID documents, and intercepted text messages, all with the goal of making it easier to withdraw funds from banks and other financial apps. To make matters worse, this biometric data is utilised to create AI deepfakes, which allow attackers to mimic victims and gain access to their bank accounts. 

It is vital to note th

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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