Biometric Data Theft and Cyberterrorism Are The Major Future Threats


Cyberterrorism, biometric data poisoning, and metaverse crimes are the most serious digital threats that humans are expected to face in the future, a senior Dubai official said. 

Major Tarek Belhoul, head of Dubai Police’s virtual assets crime branch, stated, we see a significant increase in crime in the metaverse and digital space as our economies transition to digital economies in the years to come. Data poisoning is highly concerning. 

“A lot of people talk about ChatGPT, which stands on existing data available on the internet. We all know that data on the internet is not 100 percent solid. So the big question is how will AI be able to identify what is good and bad data. If state actors and criminals want to operate in that space, just spoil the data as much as they can. We see that it is used a lot in today’s propaganda warfare from a tool aspect,” Belhoul stated.

He elaborated on the use of technologies to commit crime, stating that biometric data (fingerprints, iris scans, voice, and facial recognition) is being used to impersonate victims and gain unauthorised access; malware and ransomware have been repeatedly used to commit crimes a

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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