BlackLock Ransomware: The Fastest-Growing Cyber Threat and How to Stay Safe


Ransomware remains a major problem for businesses, and a new cybercriminal group is expanding at an alarming rate. Security researchers at ReliaQuest have identified BlackLock as the fastest-growing ransomware operation today, with its activity increasing by 1,425% since late 2024. Although it is currently the seventh most active ransomware group, experts predict it could become the biggest threat in 2025.  

Despite law enforcement cracking down on major ransomware gangs like LockBit in 2024, the number of cyberattacks continues to grow. A report from January 31 suggested ransomware incidents had risen by 15% compared to the previous year. However, a February 20 study by Symantec showed a slower increase of just 3%. No matter the rate, the takeaway is the same, ransomware remains a serious risk.  

How BlackLock Ransomware Operates  

BlackLock ransomware is designed to infect Windows, Linux, and VMware ESXi systems, making it a versatile and dangerous threat. Cybercriminals behind this operation have developed unique methods to pressure victims into paying ransom quickly.  

1. Blocking access to stolen data  

  • Ransomware groups often leak stolen information on dark web sites to force victims to pay.  
  • BlackLock makes it

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    This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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