BrandPost: 4 Strategies for Improving Visibility into Your Cloud Data

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“You can’t protect what you can’t see,” goes the saying about security. The reverse is also true: When you can see data, you can protect it. The challenge is seeing data that’s in the cloud, an increasingly popular place for enterprises to store critical information. Cloud adoption continues to accelerate in the enterprise, as does the complexity of cloud infrastructure. Ninety-three percent of enterprises now have a multi-cloud strategy, while 87% have a hybrid cloud strategy, according to the Flexera 2020 State of the Cloud Report.

To protect data in the cloud, security teams need to see and analyze threats to these complex storehouses of data, as well as understand what’s normal baseline behavior – and what is potentially malicious and dangerous. The four strategies here can help increase visibility into your cloud data to reduce risk, respond to threats faster, and continually mature security programs.

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Read the original article: BrandPost: 4 Strategies for Improving Visibility into Your Cloud Data