Bringing new theft protection features to Android users around the world

Janine Roberta Ferreira was driving home from work in São Paulo when she stopped at a traffic light. A man suddenly appeared and broke the window of her unlocked car, grabbing her phone. She struggled with him for a moment before he wrestled the phone away and ran off. The incident left her deeply shaken. Not only was she saddened at the loss of precious data, like pictures of her nephew, but she also felt vulnerable knowing her banking information was on her phone that was just stolen by a thief.

Situations like Janine’s highlighted the need for a comprehensive solution to phone theft that exceeded existing tools on any platform. Phone theft is a widespread concern in many countries – 97 phones are robbed or stolen every hour in Brazil. The GSM Association reports millions of devices stolen every year, and the numbers continue to grow.

With our phones becoming increasingly central to storing sensitive data, like payment information and personal details, losing one can be an unsettling experience. That’s why we developed and thoroughly beta test

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This article has been indexed from Google Online Security Blog

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