Campaign Oversight Results in Leak of Senior Tories’ Private Info


Although local party anger has been expressed over the selection of Conservative Chairman Richard Holden as the party’s candidate for Basildon and Billericay, he has been appointed at the very last minute as the party’s candidate. The BBC contacted two local Tory officials and they said Mr Holden was the only candidate offered by the National Party to represent Essex. 
The former Tory official said the move was a “slap in the face” for local Conservatives. The cabinet minister told the BBC that the decision had ‘gone down like a bucket of cold sick’. He did not respond to requests for comment. A Conservative Party spokesperson said he had been “unanimously chosen”. A Conservative Party spokesperson stated that he had been elected unanimously. Despite serving North West Durham, nearly 300 miles further north, since 2019, the party chairman will be expelled from the seat for this year’s election as part of a review of UK seat boundaries, which means that he will have to find another seat. 
A small number of senior association members attended Mr Holden’s address on Wednesday evening in the constituency where he represented the senior political association. It was reported that the entire local executive committee was quite dissatisfied with the way the central party handled the issue, but Mr Holden ultimately did “align” with the views and values of locals. In the opinion of another activist – who was not pre

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