Can VPN Conceal Torrenting? Is it Safe to Torrent With a VPN?


Nowadays, keeping your internet behaviour private can seem impossible, especially if you torrent. This type of file sharing is strongly discouraged by both ISPs, which may throttle your internet connections if you are detected, and government organisations, which are looking out for copyright offences. 

So, what’s the solution if you still want to torrent? A VPN (virtual private network). A VPN not only hides your traffic inside a private tunnel, preventing prying eyes from tracking you, but it also encrypts your data for further security. Below, I’ll explain how torrents operate, if a VPN truly covers your torrent activity, and whether using a VPN to torrent is good for you. 

What is torrenting? 

Torrenting is a method of sharing files across a decentralised, peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Rather than downloading a full file from a single source, a torrent file is divided into “packets” that are downloaded/uploaded from multiple sources on the network simultaneously. This strategy minimises network load and accelerates the download process.
This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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