Can you escape Cybersecurity? Maybe No

Suppose you are part of an organization that has any form of an online presence. In that case, you will ultimately have to take initiative to look after the security of the systems, devices, and data. And if driven criminals, who frequently use cyber weaponry initially created by nation-states, do not make you care about your organization’s cybersecurity, regulators will. 

You Are Only as Safe as Your Suppliers 

In today’s interconnected world, many organizations still do not realize how they are intertwined with their suppliers. 

Almost all the software that organisations employ have its storage elsewhere, which is to say they are no longer in their system. These software are either in other servers, data centers, or cloud storages. 

Moreover, as organization’s security is taking a swift shift to the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, one’s data becomes more vulnerable to unauthorized foreign access, with the endpoint device – that is apparently located in a place, no one possesses control over, posing as a terminal for the access. 

In the wake of the recent trend of supply-chain attacks, or cyberattacks in general, organizations must realize the seriousness of engaging in efficient cybersecurity. 

We are listing below some of the measures an organization can seek, in order to alleviate the risk of malicious cyber activities in their system

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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