Category: Security Boulevard

23 NYCRR 500 Shadow IT SaaS Provisions

Understand what 23 NYCRR 500 requires for shadow IT SaaS governance, data protection, and overall security operational integrity. The post 23 NYCRR 500 Shadow IT SaaS Provisions appeared first on Security Boulevard. This article has been indexed from Security Boulevard…

AWS’ MadPot Honeypot Operation Corrals Threat Actors

Engineers with Amazon Web Services more than a decade ago began developing tools to better collect intelligence on the cyberthreats coming into the giant cloud provider’s IT environment Fast forward to now, and AWS’s sophisticated suite of tools – called…

Broken ARM: Mali Malware Pwns Phones

Exploited in the wild: Yet more use-after-free vulns in Arm’s Mali GPU driver. The post Broken ARM: Mali Malware Pwns Phones appeared first on Security Boulevard. This article has been indexed from Security Boulevard Read the original article: Broken ARM:…

Akamai Sees Surge of Cyberattacks Aimed at Financial Services

An Akamai report showed cyberattacks against APIs used in the financial services sector have increased 65% year-over-year. The post Akamai Sees Surge of Cyberattacks Aimed at Financial Services appeared first on Security Boulevard. This article has been indexed from Security…

How to Comply with the SEC’s Cyber Reporting Requirements

As of July 2023, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has moved to adopt a new cybersecurity rule on risk management, strategy, governance, and incident disclosure by public companies. The new rule requires SEC registrants to disclose material cybersecurity…

Using ML to Accelerate Incident Management

If adopted correctly, AI and ML could advance incident response efforts by spotting errors and vulnerabilities, communicating issues and improving defensive postures. The post Using ML to Accelerate Incident Management appeared first on Security Boulevard. This article has been indexed…

Survey Results: The Proof is in the Passwords

Passwordless Authentication Continues to Fail to Gain Traction Authentication is a cornerstone of cybersecurity, but strategies to reduce the common pitfalls and resulting security risks haven’t evolved. In 2023, the stakes are higher than ever in the digital world, and…

Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained

Public key infrastructure (PKI) relies on two different cryptographic keys, a public key and a private key, to encrypt and decrypt data. These complex algorithms use mathematical formulas to generate digital certificates with unique digital identities to secure information. Elliptic…

Zero Trust Architecture: Beyond the Buzzword

Everyone’s heard of zero trust architecture, but why has it become best practice for enterprises around the globe? There’s no shortage of cybersecurity buzzwords. Among them, “zero trust” stands out not just as a trendy term, but as a transformative…

How to Stop Phishing Attacks with Protective DNS

Phishing Threats Are Increasing in Scale and Sophistication Phishing remains one of the most dangerous and widespread cybersecurity threats. This blog examines the escalating phishing landscape, shortcomings of common anti-phishing approaches, and why implementing a Protective DNS service as part…

How to Talk So Your CISO Will Listen

To communicate effectively with your CISO, you’ll need to speak their language. Here’s how you can do that. The post How to Talk So Your CISO Will Listen appeared first on Security Boulevard. This article has been indexed from Security…

Boards are Finally Taking Cybersecurity Seriously

It’s time to ensure boards’ interest in cybersecurity goes beyond just conversation and into real action. The post Boards are Finally Taking Cybersecurity Seriously appeared first on Security Boulevard. This article has been indexed from Security Boulevard Read the original…

Survey Sees More Cyberattacks Targeting APIs

Despite increased vigilance, most organizations suffered an API security incident in the last 12 months. The post Survey Sees More Cyberattacks Targeting APIs appeared first on Security Boulevard. This article has been indexed from Security Boulevard Read the original article:…

Navigating the Nuances of the Asia-Pacific PDPA

Fundamental obligations of the Asia-Pacific Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) for cybersecurity teams In the information age, the significance of data cannot be overstated, and cybersecurity legislation and standards govern its usage around the globe. Data fuels innovations, steers decisions,…

What Does Zero Trust Mean in Data Security?

Almost every heist movie has a sequence where elaborate plans are created to get the plotters past the heavily guarded perimeter of their target facility. Then, once they’re inside, they drop their disguises and walk around like they own the…

CJIS Security Awareness Training Cheat Sheet

Who’s the last organization you’d expect to be a cyberattack victim? If you answered law enforcement, you’d be correct—but the problem is, it’s happening right now. Police and law enforcement agencies are under cyber assault, and these developments put sensitive…

Playing Dress-Up? How to Train to Spot Websites in Disguise

With Halloween approaching, many are ready for ghosts and costumes. But online, the real threat is from websites masquerading as authentic—but aiming to deceive. Spoofed websites are insidious duplicates of genuine sites, aiming to trick users into sharing sensitive data…

Avoid libwebp Electron Woes On macOS With positron

If you’ve got 👀 on this blog (directly, or via syndication) you’d have to have been living under a rock to not know about the libwebp supply chain disaster. An unfortunate casualty of inept programming just happened to be any…