China’s Backdoor Data Infiltration: A Growing Concern For Indian Government


Indian security agencies are concerned about a potential huge data breach triggered by Chinese microchips and hardware detected in biometric attendance systems (BAS) deployed in central and state government buildings, including sensitive departments. 

During their investigations, intelligence agencies discovered that over a dozen Indian enterprises that sold these biometric attendance systems to government offices used devices with Chinese-origin parts. The firms are under the scanner for potential data leaks. 

Nearly 7,500 central and state government institutions, employing around 900,000 central and 1.7 million state employees, may have been using over 80,000 dubious biometric attendance systems. This includes key central and state government buildings, as well as military and defence offices. 

According to intelligence sources, these biometric attendance systems can be easily utilised by Chinese firms to gain access to data such as the number of officials in a specific organisation, their designations, and even their locations. 

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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