Cloud Security Challenges Extend Beyond Technology


As cloud technologies become integral to business operations, organisations face not only opportunities but also pertaining challenges. The widespread use of cloud services has created a complex environment involving multiple providers and regions, each with its own regulations and standards. This complexity has led to various security issues, including fragmented environments, access control challenges, API vulnerabilities, interoperability issues, and difficult monitoring practices. These challenges can result in gaps in security and inconsistencies in data protection, which have caused numerous IT security incidents over the years.

Case Study: Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Strategies

In observed situations, transitioning to cloud environments can reveal these vulnerabilities. One such case involved a multinational financial services company that adopted multi-cloud and hybrid cloud strategies. They used a public cloud for advanced risk modelling and a private on-premises cloud for storing sensitive financial data to meet regulatory requirements. However, this approach led to inconsistent security measures due to the differing technologies and security services in use. During an audit, we discovered that sensitive financial data had been exposed because of access control misconfigurations on the public cloud.

Several factors contributed to the breach. The diverse and complex cloud environment allowed extensive access through API calls and other technologies. Additionally, the organisation lacked the specialised skills needed to maintain high-le

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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