Cloudflare CDN Vulnerability Exposes User Locations on Signal, Discord


A threat analyst identified a vulnerability in Cloudflare’s content delivery network (CDN) which could expose someone’s whereabouts just by sending them an image via platforms such as Signal and Discord. While the attack’s geolocation capability is limited for street-level tracking, it can provide enough information to determine a person’s regional region and track their activities. 

Daniel’s discovery is especially alarming for individuals who are really concerned regarding their privacy, such as journalists, activists, dissidents, and even cybercriminals. This flaw, however, can help investigators by giving them further details about the state or nation where a suspect might be. 

Covert zero-click monitoring

Daniel, a security researcher, found three months ago that Cloudflare speeds up load times by caching media resources at the data centre closest to the user. 

“3 months ago, I discovered a unique

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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