Comcast Data Breach Impacts Thousands, Sensitive Information Compromised


Comcast Cable Communications LLC reports that it is a victim of a data breach compromising personal information of more than 237,000 individuals, including 22 residents of Maine. According to an investigation, the breach is traced back to Financial Business and Consumer Solutions, Inc., a third-party with which Comcast has associated in the past.

The data breach began on February 14, 2024, when an unauthorised third party gained access to FBCS’s computer network. Access to this unauthorised party had led to a ransomware attack where cybercriminals downloaded and encrypted sensitive data. Initially, on March 13, 2024, FBCS had communicated to Comcast that customer information did not appear to have been compromised. However, months later, on July 17, 2024, it came to be known that sensitive customer data had indeed been affected.

New Comcast Hacking Findings

As soon as the breach was discovered, FBCS reached out to the FBI and hired some private cybersecurity firms to comprehend the full dimension of the breach. The investigation revealed names, addresses, Social Security numbers, birth dates, and Comcast account numbers accessed. The acquired information is of a very sensitive nature that encompasses substantial risk factors for identity theft and even financial frauds.

Still, FBCS has maintained that, to date, there is nothing known to be ill-gotten from the stolen data. Only the records starting 2021 are affected, as in 2020, FBCS terminated its contract with Comcast.

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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