Community Health Centre Data Breach Impacts Over 1 Million Patients


Over a million people have been notified of a recent data breach by Community Health Centre, a nonprofit healthcare organisation based in Middletown, Connecticut. On January 2, 2025, unauthorised activity was detected in its computer systems, and external cybersecurity specialists were hired to help with the investigation and establish the nature and scale of the unauthorised activity. 

The investigation revealed that an online criminal gained access to its computer systems and stole data from the network. The Community Health Centre did not confirm whether a ransom demand was made; however, it did state that no data was deleted from its network and no files were encrypted, therefore the incident had no effect on its daily operations.

In the statement to the Attorney General of Maine, Community Health Centre explained that “there is no current threat to our systems, and we believe we stopped the criminal hacker’s access within hours.” The breach initially occurred on October 14, 2024, according to the breach notice from the Maine Attorney General.

The file review is now concluded, and the Commun

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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