Conti Gang Doppelganger Adopts Recycled Code

A ransomware attack from a brand-new gang dubbed ‘Monti,’ which primarily exploits Conti code has come to the surface. 
The Monti ransomware was found and revealed by MalwareHunterTeam on Twitter on June 30, but Intel471 and BlackBerry independently announced their study into Monti on September 7th.
The malware’s developers constitute a well-known ransomware group that has launched numerous attacks. They operate under “Wizard Spider” and could be linked with the global Trickbot cybercrime ring. 
Reportedly, the cybercrime group that has a base in Russia, supports the Russian government’s goals, particularly the Ukraine conflict. 
In return for a portion of the ransom money collected, the Conti gang offers ‘its members’ access to its software. The group’s ability to scale operations is a direct result of the aforementioned. The group resorts to the ransomware as a service (RaaS) approach to disseminate the infection.
According to Intel471, “Monti might be a rebranded version of Conti or even a new ransomware vers

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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