Cracking the Code: The Role of AI and UBA in Mitigating Insider Threats to Businesses


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a marvel in the landscape of rapidly developing digital technologies along with a challenge for organizations across a wide range of industries in the growing field of digital technologies. 
Automating mundane tasks and driving data-driven decisions, big data enables businesses to make better decisions and drive transformation. The use of AI has been shown as an effective way of streamlining operations and enhancing security measures, but it also has to examine its potential role in the facilitation and mitigation of insider threats as well. 
It is imperative to explore this complex interplay to better understand the way it functions. There are new insider threat dimensions that organisations need a deeper understanding of and must be able to control with the introduction of sophisticated technologies such as Large Language Models (LLMs). 
There is a debate about the dual role of AI in the sphere of insider threats as well as the best practices in dealing with these threats, which will lay the groundwork for a deeper discussion on how to mitigate them.

Businesses are using machine learning and artificial intelligence to help prevent cybercrime and prevent online attacks such as phishing scams on their websites.

The advanced algorithms that are bui

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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