Craig Newmark Philanthropies Matches EFF’s Monthly Donors


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Craig Newmark Philanthropies will match up to $30,000 for your entire first year as a new monthly or annual EFF Sustaining Donor! Many thanks to Craig Newmark—founder of craigslist and a persistent supporter of digital freedom— for making this possible. This generous matching challenge bolsters celebrations for EFF’s 34th anniversary on July 10 as well as EFF’s ongoing summer membership drive: be a member for as little as $20 and get rare gifts featuring The Encryptids (including a Bigfoot enamel pin!).

Bigfoot with glasses in a forest saying "Privacy is a 'human' right!"

Since its founding in 1990, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has relied on member support to power its public interest legal work, advocacy, and technology development. To wit, more than half of EFF’s funding comes from small dollar donors around the world, and EFF’s community of monthly and annual Sustaining Donors play a crucial role in keeping the organization running strong. Sustaining Donors giving $10 or less each month raised over $400,000 for EFF last year. Every member and every cent counts. This free donation matching offer from Craig Newmark Philanthropies takes EFF supporters’ donations even further at a time when many households are especially conscious of their finances.


p class=”pull-quote”>Sustaining Donors giving $10 or less each month raised over $400,000 for EFF last year. Every member and every cent counts.

Over the past several years, grants from Craig Newmark Philanthropies have focused on supporting trustworthy journalism to defend our democracy and hold the powerful accountable, as well as cybersecurity to protect consumers and journalists alike from malware and other dangers online. With over 30 years of donor support from Newmark, EFF built networks to help defend

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