Crash Analysis Series: An exploitable bug on Microsoft Teams ?! A Tale of One Bit

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Crash Analysis Series: An exploitable bug on Microsoft Teams ?! A Tale of One Bit

This is a story about a Microsoft Teams crash that we investigated recently. At first glance, it looked like a possible arbitrary code execution vulnerability, but after diving deeper we realized that there’s another explanation for the crash.


  • ZecOps ingested and analyzed an event that seems exploitable on a Windows machine from Microsoft Teams
  • This machine has a lot of other anomalies
  • ZecOps verifies anomalies such as: blue screens, sudden crashes, mobile restarts without clicking on the power button; and determines if they are related to cyber attacks, software/hardware issues, or configuration problems. 

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Read the original article: Crash Analysis Series: An exploitable bug on Microsoft Teams ?! A Tale of One Bit