Critical Ransomware Threat: Disguised as Windows Update, Beware!


Ransomware is a form of malware that allows hackers to encrypt non-transferable files on a computer so that they cannot be released. Cyberattackers encrypt the files that they want to access and then demand a ransom payment for the decryption key so that organizations end up in a situation where paying the ransom is the easiest and cheapest way to regain access to the files that they want to access. 
Ransomware variants have also been developed that add additional functionality to increase the incentive for victims to pay the ransom – such as data theft – to provide them with even more incentive. 
Ransomware cases have grown rapidly and have become one of the most visible types of malware. In the recent past, hospitals have faced an array of problems that have compromised their ability to provide crucial services, public infrastructure in cities has been crippled, and a wide variety of organizations have suffered significant losses. 
Among the latest money extortion scams reported, Fortinet has identified a fake Windows update page masquerading as a money extortion scam. In its advisory, Microsoft urges users of the most popular desktop operating systems to exercise caution. 
A massive cryptographic attack that the security company’s FortiGuard Labs division says is of high severity has

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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