In an alarming development for the tech community, especially for those immersed in the Web3 ecosystem, a supply chain attack has targeted the popular animation library, Lottie-Player. If users fall for this prompt, it could enable attackers to drain cryptocurrency wallets.
Given Lottie-Player’s impressive tally of over 4 million downloads and its significant presence on many prominent websites for animation embedding, this incident underscores the security vulnerabilities associated with open-source libraries.
Understanding the Attack
The breach initially came to light on GitHub when a user noticed an unusual Web3 wallet prompt while integrating Lottie-Player on their website. Upon closer examination, it was discovered that versions 2.0.5, 2.0.6, and 2.0.7 of Lottie-Player, released between 8:12 PM and 9:57 PM GMT on October 30, 2024, had been tampered with and compromised.
The attack involved the introduction of malicious code into three new versions of the Lottie-Player library, a widely used tool for rendering animations on websites and applications. Threat actors infiltrated the distribution chain, embedding code designed to steal cryptocurrencies from users’ wallets. This method of attack is particularly insidious because it leverages the trust developers place in the libraries they use.
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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