Cryptocurrency Scams Surge in 2023, FBI Reports Record $5.6 Billion in Losses


Despite cryptocurrency no longer dominating the headlines like it did during the 2021 to 2022 boom, cybercriminals are still leveraging it to generate billions of dollars in fraudulent income every year. According to the FBI, 2023 was the most lucrative year on record for cryptocurrency scammers, highlighting the growing scale of these crimes. 

In a report released by the FBI in 2023, it was revealed that cryptocurrency scams accounted for over $5.6 billion in losses, based on more than 69,000 complaints filed with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). This represents a 45% increase from the previous year, demonstrating that despite market fluctuations, scams related to digital currencies are not slowing down.

While the broader cryptocurrency market experienced turbulence in 2022, with the collapse of firms like Celsius, Terraform Labs, and the bankruptcy of FTX, scammers have continued to exploit the industry. 

The FBI’s report underscores that the losses from cryptocurrency scams now constitute more than half of the total losses from all online scams reported in 2022. This is a staggering statistic that demonstrates just how prevalent these schemes have become.

Investment fraud remains the most common form of cryptocurrency scam, accounting for $3.96 billion of the total losses in 2023. This marks a sharp rise from the $2.57 billion lost to similar scams in 2022. The increasing sophistication of these scams has made it difficult for many people to discern legitimate investment opport

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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