Crypto’s New Cybersecurity Initiative Led by Justine Bone


The cryptocurrency sector is on the brink of a paradigm shift in cybersecurity as it gears up to launch Crypto ISAC (Information Sharing and Analysis Center), under the adept leadership of cybersecurity expert Justine Bone. Bone, acclaimed for her crucial role in instigating recalls of vulnerable medical devices, brings over two decades of expertise to the forefront, promising a formidable defence against cyber threats within the existing institution of digital assets.  

Set to make its debut at CoinDesk’s prestigious Consensus 2024 event in Austin, Texas, Crypto ISAC is backed by a consortium of founding members, including major exchanges, stablecoin issuers, and custody firms. This collaborative effort marks an essential moment in the industry’s journey towards fortifying security measures in light of persistent hacking incidents and unlawful activities.

The inception of Crypto ISAC stems from a collective acknowledgment within the cybersecurity community of the urgent need for a centralised platform to facilitate seamless information sharing and in-depth analysis. Bone, in an exclusive interview with CoinDesk, stressed upon the turning role of ISACs as trusted intermediaries in establishing collaboration and rapid responses to emerging security threats.

Drawing inspiration from the community-driven principles of neighbourhood watch programs, ISACs serve as vital means bridging the gap between public and private sector entities. By aligning itself with establish

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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