Cyber Threats by Nation-States Surge Beyond Control


In recent years, state-sponsored hacker groups have increased their attacks on critical infrastructure, causing great concern across the globe. It has become increasingly evident that these coordinated and sophisticated cyber threats and attacks are posing serious risks to the security and safety of the country as a whole. 
To protect crucial systems such as power grids, healthcare systems, and water treatment plants, strong cybersecurity measures must be implemented to prevent any disruption or manipulation. This underscores the importance of protecting critical infrastructure that needs to be protected.

Currently, two-thirds of all cyberattacks that are attributed to a state-backed actor originate in foreign countries. This information lends credence to the warnings from the US Department of Homeland Security that enterprises and public services alike are facing significant threats. 

Netskope, a security firm that conducts research into state-sponsored attacks, has reported a marked increase in attacks in recent years, with the firm alerting this trend does not appear to be waning anytime soon.

It has been estimated that the kind of cyberattacks waged by nation-state actors are now constituting one of the largest forms of quiet warfare on the planet, said Netskope’s CEO Sanjay Beri.

To understand this worldwide escalation, it is necessary to look beneath the surface of the conflict, which shows a lot of different states employing widely

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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