‘Beyond Identity’ recently published a study that showed that certain mental health search terms can open users up to the possibility of meeting malware as a result of their search. Using searches related to mental health that were high in volume, the study found that many of them were linked to programs that could steal data from devices or harm networks as well as cause damage to equipment.
In the report by “Beyond Identity”, it was determined that the term “meditation music” is considered to carry a high level of critical risk. Therefore, users should be cautious when searching for this particular term in order to download music when using it as part of their meditation practice.
Beyond Identity has also identified a number of terms that are considered medium or high risk. There are numerous ways of finding psychiatrists around us. This includes using search terms such as “psychiatrist near me,” “virtual therapy,” “mental health services,” “ADHD treatment,” “breathing exercises,” “mindfulness meditation,” “anxiety treatment,” “depression treatment,” and “how to meditate.”
As part of their research, it was also found that mental health terms rank second as the most dangerous malware terms of all, behind training and courses related to work. According to the data, this shows just how many bad actors are targeting people who are looking for online content
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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