Over the past ten years or so, the environment for cyber threats has undergone a significant transformation, which has accelerated in recent years. The term “cyberwar” didn’t even exist until 30 years ago, and it’s still somewhat debatable today.
Once upon a time (that time being just a few years ago), the majority of private businesses had no reason for immediate concern. However, the distinctions between nation-state adversaries, cybercrime organisations, and rogue threat actors continue to become more and more hazy, making practically any company and any device fair game for cyberwarfare. The Armis State of Cyberwarfare and Trends Report: 2022-2023 examines the situation more closely and offers information on whether or not organisations are sufficiently equipped to defend themselves.
The report focuses on the opinions of IT and security experts from around the world regarding the state of cyberwarfare today and market trends. It offers insightful information on the opportunities and challenges faced by businesses as they work to safeguard their assets and secure their networks. The study was conducted by surveying more than 6,000 IT and security professionals worldwide from all major industry verticals.