Data Breaches: What Do They Mean?

Data protection is a critical component of any business, whether it’s a bank, password manager, merchant, telecom provider, or another corporation. A top engineer’s personal computer has been compromised by hackers, the latest blow to LastPass, which recently fell, victim. There are no exceptions, even for the US Marshals Service. There is a large range of severity and effect associated with breaches, although not all are alike. 
There is no need to feel alone if you are concerned about cybersecurity after reading about the recent data breach at multiple organizations in the past few weeks.  
How is a Data Breach Defined? 
When there is a data breach, sensitive or confidential information may be exposed. Data breaches can happen in various ways, such as losing your Social Security number, bank account number, credit card number, email address, password, financial information, or other personal information. 
A data breach may occur as a result of a deliberate act or as a result of an accident. Cybercriminals can use your personal information shared with a company to hack into their database. You may also accidentally have your information exposed online by an employee of that company. No matter how you look at it, criminals may be able

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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