In a concerning trend, an increasing number of Kolkatans are falling victim to sophisticated scams orchestrated by fraudsters posing as law enforcement officials. The scam involves duping individuals into believing that a consignment of illegal articles has been booked in their names, leading them to face interrogation by supposed cops from another state via video calls at hotels.
Reports from police sources indicate that victims receive calls informing them of the purported consignment and urging them to leave their homes or offices immediately to undergo interrogation. The fraudsters employ persuasive tactics, insisting that compliance is necessary to avoid legal repercussions.
One such incident occurred recently when a resident of Chetla received such a call and hastily left his workplace to participate in a supposed police interrogation conducted via Skype.
Fortunately, the intervention of a vigilant friend prevented him from being swindled. The friend recognized the potential fraud and advised him to disconnect the call, averting any financial loss.
During these deceptive interrogations, victims are instructed not to communicate with anyone else, including family members, further isolating them from potential assistance. The fraudsters exploit the victims’ fear and vulnerability, making them susceptible to coercion.
The scam has evolved from previous tactics where fraudsters posed as representatives of courier companie
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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