Digital Dictatorship: The Dangers of Unchecked Spyware


The Pegasus scandal broke into the public eye three years ago and has been widely reported in the media ever since. Yet, the surveillance industry has not been fixed. On the contrary, the spyware problem seems to worsen as time passes. 
In light of these issues, civil society organizations and business organizations have written an open letter on Tuesday, September 3 encouraging European regulators to take more decisive action to combat the threats posed by the overuse of spyware to fight the dangers it brings.

In the opinion of the experts, it is a non-negotiable issue – the EU Commission needs to come up with a legal framework that includes “a ban on the manufacturing, exporting, selling, importing, acquiring, transferring, servicing, and using of spyware inside the EU.” 

There is a loose definition of spyware in computer science, but it is generally considered to be malicious software that enters a user’s computer, gathers data about them, and relays that data to a third party without their knowledge or consent.

Additionally, there are legitimate software programs, such as consumer monitoring software, that collect and use information from user’s computers to provide users with advertisements that are relevant to them 

It is however worth noting that malicious spyware is specifically designed to take advantage of the theft of personal information to make money.

There is no

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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