A Telegram user who claimed to have left bombs in places like high schools by using a digitally synthesised voice has been linked to a series of swatting calls that have occurred over several months across the United States.
According to Vice, the user going by the alias “Torswats” on the messaging app Telegram provides a paid service to make swatting calls. Swatting is the act of lying to law authorities about a bomb threat or falsely accusing another person in a specific location of committing a crime or storing illegal materials.
Customers may purchase “extreme swattings” for $50, which typically involve cops handcuffing a suspect and searching their home, and for $75, Torswats can reportedly lock down a school. In accordance with a story from Vice, Torswats would take bitcoin as payment, give loyal clients a discount, and will haggle over prices for well-known targets.
“Hello, I just committed a crime and I want to confess. I placed explosives in a local school,” says the voice on a tape of a Torswats call with law police. […]
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